Endless Lawn XIII

Our friend Mike has been writing poetry since junior high. Look forward to more of his poems as mowing season continues!

The Mower’s Paradoxical Preparation

I mustn’t worry about my machine.

You see, I’ll figure out how to keep her running.

How long will my bearings hold;

and my blades stay sharp for cutting?

It was brand new just yesterday

and I’ll run it in the ground.

She used to start up right away

and now it’s a static or buzz sound.

How many acres is it?

It’s usually what they ask.

Is it a Cub, John Deere, Dixie or a Scag?

I’ve got one cut left and then

I’ll store it away for the season.

Not sure if I know how to

winterize it right for some reason…

… I guess I’ll just ask Doug.

M. Anderson, September 2021


Endless Lawn XIV


Endless Lawn XII