Endless Lawn X

This pixel art is from SacreShroud.

Here’s one from Davey:

Alien Lawn

Mowing the grass in August

is like crash landing

in the kingdom of bugs.

Unprepeared for the colorful civilization,

it comes as a shock every year.

Now my senses are sharp,

and all too aware of yellow jackets’ secret nests.

Like stumbling into a violent colony of men obsessed with home security.

So every time I cut the tip off of a milk weed and it flies against me,

I think it’s a little yellow warrior.

Milllions of small spores and flying bugs

are in perfect bustling shape.

Like a team poised to win the super bowl.

Back in June I couldn’t imagine

wanting summer to end.

This overpopulated alien planet, though, reminds me that autumn is welcome.

I hate to be critical of their thriving;

I’m sure these life forms are as excited

to have me invade their world

as our society is to have another

White Ska Revival

come around.

D. Gravely, 8/21


Endless Lawn XI


Endless Lawn IX